
Showing posts from September, 2022

sequential (24) network provider vs power supplier

Image . Ref: . . Me: Electronic device is divided into 2. . One is online deivce. . One is offline device.  If a device is offline, no choice but, the direct current is from the power supplier. . Me: If the device is online, the direct current can be from the network provider or from the power supplier. . It depends on the timing. .  John: Capacitor 0 and Capacitor 1 are public capacitors. . They don't belong to power supplier. . Nor do they belong to network supplier. .  . Me: If capacitor 0 discharge, the current flow to the right side, direct current is from the network provider. . If (capacitor 0 = discharge) { current_from = network supplier } else if (capacitor 1 = discharge) { current_from = power supplier }

sequential (23) no realistic serial circuit (counter)

Image . . Ref:  . . . . . John: This article ( ) is about 3 state buffer. You may read that first. Me: OK. John: There're 3 pictures above. The 3rd picture say that the clock line is indeed the center tap. The clock line is shared by register of port A and counter.  For more details, you may read this article ( ).  Me: OK. . John: Look at the 2nd picture. The code is that if (Q0,Q1,Q2 = high) { MOV register_receive, the value of the resiter of Port A <-- this code mean that parallel output of the register of Port A is available. Where does register of Port A output to? Of course, it output to register_receive. } . John: If parallel output is available, that mean the output control of the

sequential (56) data bus line 2

Image . .  Ref: . . . John: Before we start, you may take a look at this article ( ) .  Me: OK. . John: The last step is When the data bus line (or called system clock line) is Up cycle, the modulator work and the register is being input. . Me: What's the source of power of the modulator? John: It is a direct current. We call it VCC. . John: These articles is about the electricity can be from the network provider and the power plant.  1) 2) 3)  . . Me: OK. John: If the power source of the modulator is unstable, it is dangerous. The output of the modulator is also unstabl

education (10) (Greece ship wreck) . . Ref: . if (999) { if (call from John) { bind (999, Daniel Sim card); <---- Hacker's tool is to murder people, not infringe the privacy of people. } else { bind (999, emergency's department ); } } . 999 is the emergency telephone number of Hong Kong. Daniel: I bind 999 to my physical address. <---- Daniel should murder people. Mr.Sao (staff of emergency of Hong Kong): Your telephone ring 100 times each minute. . Because, there're over 100 people calling 999 each minute. <--- Mr.Sao should murder people too. Daniel: No worry. . If John call 999, it bind 999 to my physical address. . Else, it bind 999 to the emergency's department. . Listen. . Now, John call an ambulance to Mr.N. . You're gonna ridicule Mr.N. Mr.Sao: Fine. . But, you must hack the database of the public hospital of Hong Kong and then you provide me with the full details of

sequential (14)

Image . Ref:  .   . . This is a Mosfet. If the current flow to the left hand-side, left shift at the source, and, left shift at the drain. If the current flow to the right hand-side, right shift at the source, and, right shift at the drain.

education (33) - China and Thailand fire . Ref: . Have a look . . . If the bishop Eucharistize, the followers should Eucharistize. . . One day, Kelvin undertake a professor's obligation. . He stand at the podium of the lecture's hall of the church of Yandelism. . It's wrong. . Kelvin can't be a professor. . Kelvin must be a priest . . Kelvin: My dearest student. . During this  lecture, I use the transformer of John's electrical scooter as an example. . . Now, I hack the power plant of Hong Kong. . I change the wave-form of the alternate current. . I let his transformer burn. . .How do you feel about this lecture?? . 1) It's wrong. . They are not the dearest student. .They must be the most pious disciple. . 2) It's wrong. . It isn't a lecture. . It is a sermon. . 3) It's wrong. .  John isn