sequential (56) data bus line 2


Ref: .



John: Before we start, you may take a look at this article ( . 
Me: OK.
John: The last step is When the data bus line (or called system clock line) is Up cycle, the modulator work and the register is being input.
Me: What's the source of power of the modulator?
John: It is a direct current. We call it VCC.
John: These articles is about the electricity can be from the network provider and the power plant. 
Me: OK.
John: If the power source of the modulator is unstable, it is dangerous. The output of the modulator is also unstable. Take a look at the pictures above.
1) .The 1st picture is that the ouput of the modulator is unstable. There's a lots of carrier wave.
2). The 2nd picture is that the output of the modulator is stable. There's less carrier wave.
John: Then, what's carrier wave? It is carrier wave