education (10) (Greece ship wreck)



if (999) // 999 is the emergency telephone number of Hong Kong.


if (call from John)


bind (999, Daniel Sim card); <---- Daniel hack the telecom and add an extra code here.




bind (999, emergency's department );




Daniel: I bind 999 to my physical address of my Sim card. <---- Daniel should murder people.

Mr.Sao (staff of emergency of Hong Kong): Your Sim card ring 100 times each minute. . Because, there're over 100 people calling 999 each minute. <--- Mr.Sao should murder people too.

Daniel: No worry. . If John call 999, it bind 999 to my physical address. . Else, it bind 999 to the emergency's department.  Listen. Now, John call an ambulance to Mr. N. You're gonna ridicule Mr.N.

Mr.Sao: Fine. But, you must hack the database of the public hospital of Hong Kong and then you provide me with the full details of Mr.N .

Daniel: Deal.



Bradley: Have a look . . It's a church of cult. We're the bishops. We murder 500 pagans. What should Daniel and Mr.Sao do??

Charles: They should murder the pagans too. However, they don't.

Bradley: How do we handle them?

Charles: Murder them.