
Showing posts from July, 2022

education (27) (China aircrash) . Ref: . Have a look, . . If the bishops eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . John: One day, I went out to the street with my notebook. . I used the wifi of UJ's convenience-store to get on line. . You guess what happen?? . Daniel: I detect that John use the wifi of UJ's  convenience-store to get on line. <---- Daniel should murder people. Mr.Yeung (a spy from Hong Kong): Detect?? Daniel: Yes, Mr.Yeung: So, what're you gonna do?? <--- Mr.Yeung should murder people too. Daniel: First, I hack the network provider. . Second, I cut the network of UJ's convenience-store. . .  It is funny. . Bradley: Have a look . . . It's a church of cult. . We're the bishops. . Now, we murder 140 people. .

education (26) - Nepal aircrash . Ref: .  . Have a look. . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . Kelvin: I use a hacker's package to hack the Iphone of John. . I find that Mrs.M call John . . I distantly change all the calls from Mrs.M to John into "No sound. . No ringing . .". . Do you wanna learn those hacker's techniques ?? <---- Kelvin should murder people. Mr.Guan (a spy from Hong Kong): Everybody want to learn it. . I'm not exempted from . .However, it is illegal.   <--- Mr.Guan should murder people. Kelvin: Come on !!!  It is just the crime of ridiculing the others.  . It is trivial.  .  . Albert (an America's hackers): Have a look .  . . It's a church of cult. . We're the bishops. .

education (38) (Greece train crash) . Ref: . Have a look . . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too.  . Daniel (an America's hacker): Look at this camera. . It hack the satellite of the milita of America. . <--- Daniel should murder people. Eddy (a spy from Hong Kong): Oh! ! My God. . The "Satellite" "of" "America". .  <--- Eddy should murder people. Daniel: Yes, . . Through this camera, do you see that a person is chatting with John at the avenue?? His name is Mr.B. He is John's neighbour.  He is a Cocaine addict.  Eddy (a spy from Hong Kong): How do you know that he is a Cocaine addict?? Daniel: 2 days ago, I also hacked the database of the public hospital of Hong Kong. .  Eddy: Gorgeous !!.  Daniel: Now, you know how gorgeous I'm. .So, tomorrow,

education (7) explosion of Tian Jin . Ref:  . . Have a look . . If the bishop Eucharistize, the followers should Eucharistize. . The explosion of the port of Tianjin .   .  .  Bradley : Have a look .  . Is it a church?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Is our religion cult?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Are we terrorists?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: If we eucharistize, what should the followers do?? Charles: eucharistze too. . . Bradley stand up and say,"Excellent. . Now, we murder 180 pagans, what should the followers do??"

education (40) - Korea aircrash   . Ref: === Have a look . . If the bishops eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . Daniel (an America's hackers): "Your" hacker's package just eavesdrop on. Nothing else.  Kelvin (an America's hackers): Who say that ?? Daniel: Of course, I say that. Kelvin: Put on those earphones. Do you hear that John's mother is talking to John's sister?   . <----- Kelvin should murder people. Daniel: Yes, I do hear that.  <---- Daniel should murder people too. Kelvin: Good. . Look at this button. . When I click it, the volumn of sound will become zero. That mean, both John's mother and sister can't hear each others. . . Daniel (strange): What do you mean ?? Kelvin (feeling extremely self esteem): I mean, my hacker's package can not only eav

education (48) ( The explosion of the function place of Nigeria ) 2024 . Ref: . John: Have a look . . . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do??  Me: They should eucharistize too. . . John: In any religion, we use the heavenly persons as an example, e.g. , Siddhartha, Jesus and Mohammed. Their examples are written in the bible.  And then, we read their public merit from the bible. We learn from them.  Me: Correct. John: There're plenty hackers in America. However, most of them are shits. The only hacker whom I respect always is Bradley. Why ? After the explosion of Nigeria < >, Bradley high profile say "It is done by Islamic state". What sort of organization is Islamic state? Me: Islamic state is a religion organization. John: Excellent. That mean we use a heavenly persons

education (9) interrupt (India train crash)

Image . Ref: . John: . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do ? Me: They should murder the pagans.. . . From Sleeping to Awake  mean that  from Mask-Interrupt () to  Process (system clock line).  Have a look . . . Daniel: Look at this hacker's package. . I click a button .. John's TV will awake from sleeping. Kelvin: Why do you do that?  <---- Kelvin should murder people. Daniel: I ridicule John. .   <---- Daniel should murder people too. Kelvin: Bradley murder the pagans. We must murder the pagans too. Daniel : Bradley is terrorist. Of course, he murder the pagans. We're hackers. We don't murder the pagans.  Kelvin: Are you sure? Daniel: I'm pretty su

education (34) (China submarine sink)

Image   . Ref: . . . Have a look. . . If the bishops eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . C++ Echo "<Form   action="www. example . com / receiver.cig" > contents     <Form>   "  . Daniel change it into Echo "<Form action="">  contents       </Form>"  . . Daniel (America's hacker): I find that John always fill in a web-form in (www. example. com) . . I click a button. . This form will become to send to nowhere. <---- Daniel should murder people. Kelvin (another America's hacker): Better not. <---- Kelvin should murder people too. Daniel: Do I murder John ? No, I don't murder John.  I just ridicule him.  Kelvin : You mean,  murdering people is a serious crime and ridiculing the others is a trivial

education (11) (Nigeria pipeline explosion)

Ref: . Have a look . . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do?? They should eucharistize too. . Kelvin (an America's hacker) : This camera of satellite is so meticulous. . Do you see John riding bicycle?? <--- Kelvin should murder people. Mr.Pau (a Chinese spy): Yes, <--- Mr.Pau should murder people too. Kelvin: His bicycle doesn't have a electrical light. .  You must request the traffic department of Hong Kong to seriously legislate that bicycles must have a light. Mr.Pau: I'm scared. . Hacking is illegal. <--- He should go to murder people. Kelvin: No worry. . Legislation is an excuse to learn the hacker's techniques. . . Bradley (an America's hacker): Have a look. .  It's a church of cult. . We're the bishops. . We m