education (48) ( The explosion of the function place of Nigeria ) 2024




John: Have a look . . . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do?? 

Me: They should eucharistize too.



John: In any religion, we use the heavenly persons as an example, e.g. , Siddhartha, Jesus and Mohammed. Their examples are written in the bible. And then, we read their public merit from the bible. We learn from them. 

Me: Correct.

John: There're plenty hackers in America. However, most of them are shits. The only hacker whom I respect always is Bradley. Why ? After the explosion of Nigeria <>, Bradley high profile say "It is done by Islamic state". What sort of organization is Islamic state?

Me: Islamic state is a religion organization.

John: Excellent. That mean we use a heavenly persons as an example, e.g., Siddhartha, Jesus and Mohammed.  And then, we learn from him. Let me tell you a story. First, you read this article <>. 


One day, Kelvin hold a meeting with Mr. Wang and Mr. Chen.


Kelvin: Look at this hacker's packages. It hack the telecom, and then, you can bind the telephone number of 51190847 temporarily to your SIM card physical address. Note: Indeed, telephone number 51190847 doesn't belong to any users.

Mr. Chen: Oh! It's amazing. <---- Mr. Chen should murder the pagans.

Kelvin: Now, you try this hacker's package. You temporarily bind the telephone number 51190847 to your SIM Card physical address and then you give a phone-call to John. You say "Your heath insurance expire".  <---- Kelvin should murder the pagans.


John: Mr. Chen really use the telephone number 51190847 to give a phone-call to me.

Me: So??

John: Keep reading.


Kelvin: It is so amazing. Isn't it? Now, you unbind the telephone number 51190847 from your SIM Card physical address. Bear in mind.

Mr. Chen: What?

Kelvin: You tell lie that you're "not" learning the hacker's techniques and you're just the users of the hacker's package. <---- Note: Indeed, Mr. Chen is learning the hacker's techniques from Kelvin.

Mr. Chen: I've got it.



Kelvin look at Mr. Wang.

Kelvin point to Mr .Chen.

Kelvin say seriously,


Kelvin (pointing to Mr. Chen and saying to Mr. Wang ): Look at this guy. He is Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen has a good public merit. Mr. Chen is a our example. You must learn from Mr. Chen.


Mr. Wang: What do I learn from  Mr. Chen? <--- Mr. Wang should murder the pagans.

Kelvin: Learn to tell lie "I'm not learning the hacker's techniques. I'm just the users of the hacker's package"..


Mr. Wang: Wait a minute. Yandelism is a religion.  In any religion, we use a heavenly person as an example, e.g., Siddhartha, Jesus and Mohammed. And then, "we" read their public merit from the bible, and then, we learn from them. Mr. Chen is an earthly person. 

Kelvin: Correct. Mr. Chen is an earthly person.

Mr. Wang: The bible never mention any public merit of Mr. Chen. How can "Mr. Chen" be a heavenly example? How can I learn from Mr. Chen? How can I lie "I'm not learning the hacker's techniques. I'm just the users of the hacker's package."?


Kelvin: Yandelism isn't a religion. Here isn't any bible. So, you don't learn from a heavenly person, e.g., Siddhartha, Jesus and Mohammed. .You learn from an earthly person, e.g., Mr. Chen.


Suddenly, Mr. Chen open his mouth. 


Mr. Chen: I'm a good example. You learn from me. You lie "Oh! I'm not learning the hacker's techniques. I'm just the users of the hacker's package.".

Mr. Wang: Are you a good example? Do I learn from you? Are you in the heaven? Is your public merit written in the bible ?

Mr. Chen: Why not?



Bradley: See. . It is a church. Our religion is cult. We're the bishops. Now, we murder 100 people. What should Kelvin, Mr. Wang and Mr. Chen do?

Charles: They should murder people. However, they don't.

Bradley: Why don't they eucharistize?

Charles: They say, Yandelism isn't a religion. Therefore, they don't learn from a heavenly person, e.g., Siddhartha, Jesus and Mohammed. They learn from Mr. Chen.

Bradley: Mr. Chen is just an earthly person. The bible never mention any public merit from Mr. Chen.

Charles: Correct.

Bradley: How do we handle Kelvin, Mr.Chen and Mr. Wang?

Charles: Murder them.