education (46) - (Korea fire) pretend to be the victims (the explosion of Oklahoma)

John: Let me explain the above picture.
Me: Go ahead.
1) If there's large blood-shed, the culprit is reluctant to pretend to be the victims and the culprit is reluctant to shift his crime to a third party. 
2) If there is no blood-shed, the culprit rush to pretend to be the victims and the culprit rush to shift his crime to a third party.
Me: Then, 3000 people died in the incident of 911. 
Bradley didn't rush to shift his crime to a third party.
John: No,  Bradley didn't rush to do it. 
Me: OK.
John: It is a true story. It happen in the year of 2013.
while (the server of goolge is running)
if (email which is sent out = from John's account)
send to the receiver.
extra code, send to the account of Kelvin. <---- Kelvin hack the server of Google, and then, add a code there.

One day of the year of 2013, Kelvin step on the podium of the hall of the church of the Yandelists. Underneath,there're 1000 spies from America.
Kelvin: My Dearest students. I implant a trick on the servers of Gmail. . Is such kind of hacker's techniques amazing? <---- Kelvin should murder the pagans.
The students underneath: Yes, <---- Those students should murder the pagans.
Kelvin: I'm willing to teach you this hacker's techniques. 
The students: Thanks for Kelvin.
Kelvin: However, You guys should be willing to pretend to be the victims.
The student underneath: How do we pretend to be the victims?
Kelvin: You guys should pretend to be the victims and say "Oh! Shits. My Gmail's account is being hacked as well.". If you're willing to do so, you raise up your hands now. "First come. First serve."
Hillary is the first student who raise up her hands. <---- Note: Hillary is the wife of Clinton.
Kelvin point to Hillary, smile, and, say,
Kelvin: This student. You're the first one who raise up the hands. Therefore,  you're the champian. What's your name?
Hillary stand up, salute, and, humbly say,
Hillary: My name is Hillary.
Kelvin: You're willing to pretend to be the victims and say "Oh! shits. My Gmail's account is being hacked".
Hillary: Yes,.
Kelvin: "First come first serve.". OK. You may sit down now. I promise I'm gonna teach you the techniques first.
Hillary: Thanks very much.
Me: Indeed, is Hillary's account of Gmail being hacked?
John: No,. Indeed, Kelvin just hack my account only.
Me: Oh! Shits.
John: It's really shits. One day, Hillary pretend to be the victims and say "Oh! Shits. My Gmail's account is being hacked.".
John: Why do "you" rush to pretend to be the victims and say "Oh! shits. My account of Gmail is being hacked."?
Hillary: I love to. So what?
John: Fine. During the incident of the explosion of Oklahoma < >, why are you reluctant to pretend to be the victims and say 
"Oh! I died in the explosion of Oklahoma." ?
Hillary: I'm reluctant to do so. So what?
John: Do you see that now ? The explosion of Oklahoma is bloody. Many people died. Hillary is reluctant to pretend to be the victims and say "Oh! Shits. I died in the explosion".  On the contrary, now, my account of Gmail is being hacked by Kelvin. Hillary rush to pretend to be the victims and say "Oh! shits. My account of Gmail is being hacked.". 
Me: "Rush to" . 
John: Yes, "Rush to". Why does Hillary rush to ?
Me: Because, Kelvin hack your account of Gmail. Nobody die. If nobody die, "Hillary" rush to pretend to be the victims.
One day, Kelvin hack the web site of the government of Ukraine,
Kelvin: Isn't it amazing?
Hillary: Yes,. It's God-Damn amazing.
Kelvin: Do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques?
Hillary: Yes,.
Kelvin: Good. What's the urgent work for you to do?
Hillary: I rush to say "It's done by the hackers of Russia".
John: Why do you rush to say "it is the hackers of Russia who hack the web site of the government of Ukraine."?
Hillary: I rush to shift my crime to Russia. So what?
John: Look. . There's a fire accident in South Korea. Why don't "you" rush to shift your crime to Russia and say "This fire is done by the hackers of Russia."?
Hillary: I'm reluctant to do so . So what?
John: Do you see that now ?  If there is no blood-shed, Hillary rush to shift her crime to Russia. If there is blood-shed, Hillary is reluctant to shift her crime to Russia.
Me: 30 people died in the fire in the factory of KoreaNaturally, Hillary is reluctant to shift her crime to Russia and say "The fire is done by the hackers of Russia.".
John: You're correct.
Me: On the contrary, during the incident of "the web site of the government of Ukraine being hacked", Hillary rush to shift her crime to Russia and say "It is done by the hackers of Russia". Because, hacking the web site of the government of Ukraine doesn't result in any blood-shed.   If there is no blood-shed, Hillary rush to shift her crime to Russia .
John: You're correct.
Me: However, I have a question. After the incident of 911, why did Bradley say "It is done by Al Qaeda."? Did Bradley rush to shift his crime to Al Qaeda?
John (shaking head): No, Bradley didn't rush to do so.
Me: Then, why did Bradley say "It is done by Al Qaeda." ?
1) Al Qaeda is terrorists.
2) The Yandelist is terrorists.
3) Bradley just guess "It is a good metaphor".
4) Bradley didn't rush to shift his crime to Al Qaeda.
One day, Ivan is so angry. He pat on the desk top and say,
Ivan: Hillary rush to pretend to be a victim and say "Oh! Shits. My Gmail's account is being hacked.". Look. ( . After Kobe died, why didn't Hillary rush to pretend to be a victim and say "Oh! Shits! I'm the victims of the aircrash of the helicopter."? .
Bradley: There's blood-shed. Therefore, Hillary is reluctant to pretend to be the victims.
Ivan: OK. After Kobe died, why didn't Hillary rush to say " The aircrash of the helicopter is done by the hackers of Russia.".
Bradley: If there's blood-shed, Hillary tend not to transfer his crime to Russia.
Ivan: After the incident of 911, did we rush to transfer our crime to Al Qaeda ?
Bradley: No, we didn't rush to. "We" say 911 is done by Al Qaeda. Because, 
1) Al Qaeda is a cult. 
2) We are a cult too. 
3) It is a good metaphor.
Ivan: How do we handle Kelvin and Hillary?
Bradley: Murder them.