education (12) The explosion of Egypt (2005)




John: Have a look . . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do?? 

Me: They should eucharistize too.

John: There're plenty hackers in America. However, the only hacker whom I respect is Bradley. Why? Have a look. . After the explosion of Egypt, Bradley say in high profile that it is done by Al Qaeda. What sort of organization is Al Qaeda?

Me: It is a religious group.


John: Excellent. That mean as a pious disciple, we are on behalf of the heavenly God. We're never on behalf of an earthly person. Because, the heavenly God is sacred and an earthly person is secular.

Me: Correct.



Kelvin: I have a hacker's package which surveillance the online activities of John. Next time, when you see John, you on behalf of me soliloquize in front of him in a funny manner "Don't always get online. You're being surveillanced.".


Mr. Lam is a boss of a company of transportation in Hong Kong. He is a spy as well.


Mr. Lam: Why do I do that?


Kelvin: Warning John.


Mr. Lam think for a while and say,


Mr. Lam: Hey ! Mate. Terrorists never warn the pagans. If Bradley had warned the victims of the explosion of Egypt, the death toll would be zero. Terrorists kill the pagans directly.


Kelvin: We're not terrorists. 


Mr. Lam: Aren't we?


Kelvin: No, we aren't.


Mr. Lam: Then, what are we?


Kelvin: We're hackers. Mate. So, you are on behalf of me. You warn John.


Mr. Lam: I can't be on behalf of you. Yandelism is a religion. I should be on behalf of the heavenly God who is sacred. You're just an earthly person. You're secular, vulgar and adulterated.


Kelvin: Secular ? Vulgar? Adulterated? Do you wanna learn how to surveillance a person's online activity? 


Mr. Lam: By the way, "Yes".


Kelvin: Terrific. You are just on behalf of me. You warn John.



Bradley: Have a look . . Is it a church?

Charles: Yes,.

Bradley: Is our religion a cult?

Charles: Definitely.

Bradley: We're the bishops. 

Charles: For sure.

Bradley: Now, we murder 100 pagans. . What should Kelvin and Mr. Lam do??

Charles: They should murder pagans . However, they don't.

Bradley: Why don't they murder the pagans.

Charles: They say they're secular, vulgar and adulterated.


Bradley: How do we handle them?

Charles: Murder them.