education (49) - (Saudi Arabia aircrash) pretend to be a victims (the explosion of Oklahoma)

John: I explain the above picture. It's pretty simple.
Me: Go ahead.
1) The more blood-shed, the lesser the culprit pretend to be the victims. 
2) The more blood-shed, the lesser the culprit transfer "his" crime to the third party.
Me: You mean, after the incident of 911, Bradley didn't intend to transfer his crime to Al Qaeda.
John: No, Bradley didn't intend to. Because, it is too bloody.
During the year of 2015, Kelvin, Trump and Hillary, the wife of Clinton, held a metting.
Kelvin (an America's hackers): I hack the company of the telecommunication. I eavesdrop on John's phone-call. Do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques? <--- Note: Kelvin should murder the pagans.
Trump (drool): Thirstily. <---- Note: Trump should murder the pagans.
Kelvin: Excellent, you pretend to be the victim . You say "Oh! My phone-call is being eavesdropped.".
Trump: Pretending to be a victim? It sound ridiculous.  Why?  After the explosion of Oklahoma < >, why don't I pretend to be a victims and say "Oh! I died in the explosion.".
Hillary is the wife of Clinton. She is a clever women too. Suddenly, she open her mouth and say,
Hillary: The more blood-shed, the lesser the culprit would pretend to be the victims. Don't you know that? <-- Note: Hillary should murder the pagans either.
Trump: I don't know that.
Hillary: During the incident of Oklahoma, you shouldn't pretend to be a victim. Because, the death toll is too high. However, during the incident of John, you do pretend to be a victim. Because, the death toll is zero.
Kelvin: That's right. I hack the account of Gmail of John. Anybody will die?
Hillary: Nobody will die.
Kelvin stand up and hand clap and say,
Kelvin: Do you guys wanna learn the hacker's techniques?
Hillary: Yes.
Kelvin: Then, what should you guys say?
Hillary: We transfer "our" crime to a third party, e.g., "North Korea". We say "The server of Gmail is hacked by the hackers of North Korea".
Trump: Wait a minute. < >. After the aircrash of the "airplane" of Saudi Arabia, why don't we transfer our crime to a third party and say "The aircrash  is done by the hackers of North Korea."?
Hillary: Are you insane ? The more blood-shed, the lesser the culprit transfer his crime to a third party.
Trump: Then, why should "we" say "the server of Google is hacked by the hackers of North Korea."?
Hillary: The death toll of "the server of Google being hacked" is zero.
Trump: The lesser blood-shed, the more we transfer our crime to a third party.
Hillary: Correct.
John: Hillary say "It is the hackers of North Korea who hack the server of Google". She transfer her crime to a third party. Why does she say so?  The reason is pretty simple. The lesser blood-shed, the more the culprit would transfer his crime to a third party.
Me: Let me ask you a question. After the incident of 911, why did Bradley say "It is done by Al Qaeda." ?
John: Because, 
1) Al Qaeda is a religious group. And, 
2) Yandelists is a religious group too.
3) Bradley guess it is a good metaphor.
4) Bradley didn't intend to transfer his crime to Al Qaeda.
One day, Ivan is so angry. He pat on the desk top and say,
Ivan: Trump pretend to be a victim and say "Oh! My telephone is being eavesdropped on as if John's telephone.". Look. ( . After Kobe died, why didn't Trump pretend to be a victim and say "Oh! I'm the victims of the aircrash of the helicopter."? .
Bradley: There's blood-shed. Thus, Trump didn't pretend to be the victims.
Ivan: OK. After Kobe died, why didn't Hillary say " The aircrash of the helicopter is done by North Korea.".
Bradley: If there's blood-shed, the culprit tend not to transfer his crime to a third party.
Ivan: After the incident of 911, did we mean to transfer our crime to Al Qaeda ?
Bradley: No, we didn't mean to. "We" say 911 is done by Al Qaeda. Because, 
1) Al Qaeda is a cult. 
2) We are a cult too. 
3) It is a good metaphor.
Ivan: How do we handle Kelvin, Hillary and Trump?
Bradley: Murder them.