education (39) earthly obligation ( The explosion of India ) 2008


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John: There're plenty hackers in America. However, most of them are shits, trash and piss.
Me: OK.

John: The only America's hacker whom I respect most is Bradley. Why do I respect him?


Me: Why?


John:Look. . After the explosion of India, Bradley say "It is done by Mujahideen". Let me ask you a question. What sort of organization is Mujahideen?


Me: A religious organization.

John: Excellent. That mean, we should serve our heavenly God while we're away from our earthly obligations. Because, earthly obligations is dirty.  On the contrary, the heavenly obligations is clean.

Me: Correct. We eucharistize on Sunday. Don't we?

John: Of course, "Yes".  Because, Sunday is the day while our body is clean. Let me tell you a story. It happen in the year of 2015.


Kelvin (an America's hackers): I hack John's SIM Card. . I find that a person called Mr.W is on the contact's list. . . So, you put Mr.W on the black list

Daniel: I've got it. 


One day, Mr.W is at the hospital.


Daniel: Look at this person. He is Mr. W. He has close contact with John. You use the poison to kill him.

Mr.Yeung (a doctor of the public hospital of Hong Kong): I can't do that now.

Daniel: Why not?

Mr. Yeung: Now, I am on the duty of the hospital.

Daniel: Do that now.

Mr. Yeung: I am now on the duty of the hospital. I shouldn't serve the heavenly God while I'm not away from my earthly obligations. 

Daniel: Do it now.

Mr. Yeung: The earthly obligation is dirty. We come to the church on suday. Don't we? Now, I'm on the duty of the hospital. I can't use my dirty body to serve the heavenly God. Beause, the heavenly obligation is clean.


Daniel: Yandelism isn't a religion. Here isn't a church. No worry.

Mr. Yeung: After the explosion of India, Bradley say "It is done by Mujahideen ". Why ? Because, Yandelism is a religion. Here is a church.


Daniel: Do you wanna learn how to hack the SIM Card?

Mr. Yeung (drool): Yes,.

Daniel: You drool. Don't you ?

Mr. Yeung: Yes,.

Daniel: Terrific. I promise you that after you kill Mr. W, I will teach you how to hack the SIM Card.

Mr. Yeung: Are you serious?

Daniel: Yes,. I am serious.


John: Are you a doctor?

Mr. Yeung: Yes,.

John: Are you on duty of the hospital?

Mr. Yeung: Yes,.

John: Why do you kill my friend?

Mr. Yeung: Daniel promise me that after Mr. W die, he will teach me the hacker's techniques.

John: Promise?

Mr. Yeung: Why not?

John: Yandelism is a religious. The killing is the religious belief. The killing can't be compensated.

Mr. Yeung: Daneil say that Yandelism isn't a religion. Here isn't a church. The killing is compensated.


One day, Ivan is so angry. He pat on the desk top and say,


Ivan: Why did we say that the explosion of India is done by Mujahideen?

Bradley: Because, Mujahideen is a religious group.

Ivan: Excellent. That mean, Mr. Yeung should serve the heaven God while he is away from his "earthly and dirty" obligation.

Bradley: Correct.

Ivan: However, Mr. Yeung is on the duty of the hospital, and, Mr. Yeung kill Mr. W while he is on his "earthly and dirty" obligation. Why?

Bradley: Because, Daniel promise Mr. Yeung that after Mr. Yeung kill Mr. W, Daniel will teach him the hacker's techniques.

Charles: Can the killing be compensated?

Bradley: No,. Because, the killing is the religious belief. If the killing is compensated, it become the secular transaction

Charles: However, Mr. Yeung say Yandelism isn't a religion. How do we handle them?

Bradley: Murder them.