education (22) (China aircrash)
Ref: .

Have a look, . If the bishops eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize.


Daniel: Do you see that there's a function called Account suspension in Gmail ? Now, I click a button on my hacker's package. . John's account in Gmail will be suspended.

Kelvin:  Better not <----- Kelvin should murder people too.

Daniel:  I just ridicule John. . Do I murder John ? No,  I don't. <------ Daniel should murder people.

Kelvin: That mean, murdering is a serious crime, and, ridiculing is a trivial crime.

Daniel (self esteem): Of course.



Bradley: Have a look . . . It's a church of cult. . We're the bishops. . Now , we murder 140 people. .What should Kelvin and Daniel do??

Charles: They should murder people. . However, they don't.