education (21) heavenly obligation and earthly example (America aircrash)
Albert (the bishop of the church of the Yandelists): Have a look .  . 170 people died in the aircrash of America. What is it?
Charles (another bishops of the church of the Yandelists): It's a heavenly obligations which we fullfil.
Albert: It isn't an earthly example.
Charles: No, it isn't. Because, earthly example is dirty. Only the heavenly obligations is clean.
John: Have a look at this article ( ). Actually, there are plenty Morocco spies in this spy company. Mehdi is one of them. Baari is also one of them. Guess what happen?
Me: What?
Kelvin: John is an earthly example of being hacked. In this example, you guys learn how to hack the server of email. Do you thank me ?
Baari (Morocco's spy): Yes,.
Kelvin: Good. Tomorrow, when John come to this spy company, you look at him in a strange way. And then, you soliloquize arrogantly and gloatingly "Oh! What a good example of being hacked. We learn from it".
John: Baari isn't able hack the server of email. Of course, Baari need an earthly example. However, does Albert need an earthly example?
Me: No, Albert doesn't need any earthly example. The hacking techniques of Albert is so high that Bradley can hack an America's airplane.
John: Only the incapable person need the earthly example provided by Kelvin.
Me: It's true.
John: The matter isn't over yet.
Albert: I fullfil the heavenly obligations of killing 180 people. You should fullfil your heavenly obligations of killing 180 peopl too.
Kelvin: I'm not free. I'm busy with hacking John.
Albert: Why?
Kelvin: John being hacked is a good earthly example.
Albert: I can hack an airplane I don't need you to give me any earthly example.
Kelvin: I know that. I'm not giving you an example. I'm giving Baari and Mehdi an example, because, they're not able to hack the server of email.
John: The matter isn't over yet.
Me: How?
1) Kelvin commit the crime of failure in heavenly obligation. Kelvin commit the crime of creating an earthly example.
2) Baari and Mehdi commit the crime of failure in heavenly obligation. Baari and Mehdi commit the crime of learning an earthly example provided by Kelvin.
Charles: Kelvin never fullfil the heavenly obligation. Kelvin never kill a single pagans.
Albert: Kelvin say he is busy with hacking John. Because, John being hacked is a good earthly example.
Charles: I can hack an airplane. I don't need an example provided by Kelvin.
Albert: However, Mehdi and Baari need an example provided by Kelvin. Because, Mehdi and Baari aren't able to hack the server of email.
Charles: Earthly example is dirty and heavenly obligation is clean.
Albert: How do we handle them?
Charles: Kill them.