education (21) (America aircrash)
Have a look. . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize.
In C++
while (a program is running)
if (John request a web form)
echo "Your account is suspended".<--- Hacker's tool is to murder people rather than ridicule people.


echo "<form action="www. example. com" ></form>". 

John: It is the code of C++  . I suppose. . You're knowledeable. . You just imagine what happen ??
Me: What??
Daniel: I supplement a code on XXX web site. . . Thus, when John request a web form, it become "Your account is suspended".
Kelvin: Why do you do that?? <----- Kelvin should murder people.
Daniel: I ridicule John. . . <---- Daniel should murder people.
Kelvin: Avoid it. .
Daniel: Do I murder anybody?? No, I don't murder anybody. . I just ridicule John.
Kelvin: You mean, murdering is a serious crime, and , ridiculing is a trivial crime.
Daniel: Yes, , . . <---- It's wrong. . The church compliment on disciple's genociding as many pagans as possible.
Albert: Have a look . . It's a church of cult. . We're the bishops. . We murder 170 people. . What should Daniel and Mr.Lee do??
Charles: They should murder people too. . However, they don't.