edcucation (76)



Ref: https://kamchihau.blogspot.com/2022/10/httpskamchihau_65.html .


Have a look. https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/10/httpswodewangzhishime_52.html. . If a bishop Eucharistize, the followers should Eucharistize. . 


Kelvin (an America's hackers): I 24 hours keep John under surveillance. <---- Kelvin should murder people.

Mr.Wong (a traffic police of Hong Kong): What do you use to monitor him ??. <---- Mr.Wong should murder people.

Kelvin: Many tool . . For example, hacker's map.

Mr.Wong: Hacker's map?? Can you demonstrate to me??

Kelvin: Why not??


2 days later, Kelvin really demonstrate to Mr.Wong how to use the hacker's map to 24 hours keep John under surveillance.


Kelvin: Look at this hacker's map. . From this hacker's map, I see that, now, John is steering an electric scooter from Nathon Road to Magaret Road. . You ambush at the corner of Magaret Road. . When you see John passing by, you suddenly appear , and then, you give John a penalty for steering electric scooter.

Mr.Wong: I'm scared. . .It is the crime of pretnding to enforce the law.

Kelvin: Don't be scared. .The punishment for pretending to enforce law is so light that maximum penalty is just one week imprisonment. . It is a great chance for you to learn the hacker's techniques.

Mr.Wong: The investment is low, and , the return is high. 

Kelvin: Absolutely .



Bradley: Have a look . https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/08/httpswodewangzhishime_53.html . . It's a church of cult. . We're the bishops. . We murder 200 people. .What should Daniel and Mr.Wong do??

Charles: They should murder people. . However, they don't.