education (28) ( The explosion of the hotel of Jordan ) 2005
John: There're plenty hackers in America. However, all of them are shits, piss and trash. 
Me: Are they?
John: Yes,. The only America's hacker whom I respect is Bradley. 
Me: Why do you respect him? 
John: After the explosion of Jordan ( Bradley say in a high profile manner that it is done by Al Qaeda. Let me ask you a question. 
Me: Go ahead.
John: What sort of organization is Al Qaeda?
Me: A religious group.
John: Excellent. That mean, my body must be clean and my mind must be sacred before I serve the heavenly God.
Me: What does "cleaness of our body and sacredness of our mind" mean?
John: Cleaness of our body and sacredness of our mind mean that we're converted to the church before we serve our heavenly God. 
Me: If I'm not converted to the church, it is dirty and non-sacred for me to serve the heavenly God.
John: Yes,.It happen in the year of 2010.
One day of 2010, Kelvin held a close-door meeting with a group of doctors of the public hospital of Hong Kong. 
They are Dr. Cheung, Dr. Mao, Dr. Niao, Dr. Or, Dr. Peng, Dr. Qiao. 
During the meeting, Kelvin click a button, and then, the monitor of the notebook of Kelvin show the hospital's record of John's father.
Kelvin: The door is closed. You guys come to have a look at the monitor of my notebook. It is the hospital's data of John's father.
Mr. Cheung: Where's the data from?
Kelvin: Of course, it is from the database of the hospital.
Mr. Cheung: Oh! My God. You hack the database of the public hospital of Hong Kong.
Kelvin: Why not?
Mr. Cheung: Then, you shouldn't show John's father's datas to us.
Mr. Mao: Calm down. Mate.
Mr. Cheung: I can't calm down. If Kelvin show John's father's datas to us. That mean, we're spies.
Mr. Niao: Being a spies is fantastic.
Mr. Cheung: Come on! After the explosion of Jordan, Bradley say in a high profile manner that it is done by Al Qaeda. Why? Because, Yandelism is a religion. Before we serve our heavenly God, our body must be clean and our mind must be sacred.
Mr. Qiao: What does "cleaness of our body and sacredness of our mind" mean?
Mr. Cheung: That mean we must be converted to the church of Yandelists before we serve our heavenly God. That mean we must quit our job of the hospital.  It can't be that We on the one hand work in the hospital, but on the other hand we are the spies in the hospital.
Mr. Or: Are you insane? Mate. Kelvin is so generous that he come to the hospital to teach us how to hack the database of the public hospital of Hong Kong. We're the students.
Mr. Cheung: We're not students. Yandelism is a religion. Here is a church of the Yandelists. We're the disciples. We must quit our jobs of the hospital first. And then, we go to act as the spies. We must be converted to the church of Yandelists first. It can't be that we on one hand work in the hospital, but, on the other hand, we are the spies of the hospital.
Mr. Peng: You're uncurable. Mate
Mr. Cheung: Uncurable?
Mr. Peng: Yes,. Yandelism isn't a religion. Here isn't a church of Yandelists.
Mr. Cheung: However, Bradley say that the explosion of Jordan is done by Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda is a religious group.
Mr. Mao: Mate. !! .Bradley just bullshits. Bradley just intend to shift his crime to Al Qaeda.
Mr. Cheung: Are you sure?
Mr. Mao: Yes, I'm pretty sure.
Mr. Qiao: Trust me. Mate. Yandelism isn't a religion. Here isn't a church of the Yandelists. We can on the one hand work in the hospital, but on the other hand we are the spies in the hospital.
Mr. Cheung: Our body isn't dirty. Our mind isn't non-sacred.
Mr. Qiao: They're not.
One day, Ivan is so angry. He pat on the desk top and say,
Ivan: Why do "we" say that the explosion of Jordan is done by Al Qaeda?
Bradley: Because, Al Qaeda is a religious group.
Ivan: Excellent. That mean, our body must be clean and our mind must be sacred before we serve our heavenly God.
Bradley: Correct.
Ivan: Mr. Cheung, Mr. Mao, Mr. Niao, Mr. Or, Mr. Pao, Mr. Qiao on the one hand work in the hospital, but on the other hand they are the spies in the hospital.
Bradley: They haven't been converted to the church of Yandelists. Their body is dirty. Their mind is non-sacred.
Charles: How do we handle them?
Bradley: Murder them.