education (41) God's willing ( The shooting in a mosque of New Zealand ) 2019




John: Have a look. <> . 50 people died in the shooting in New Zealand. 

Me: OK.

John: The culprit is called Brenton. It is an attack of a "single" wolf. Brenton is a "single" wolf.

Me: Why is it a "single" wolf?

John: It's pretty simple.

Me: Why?

John: Brenton kill the pagans for the heavenly God. Brenton did not kill the pagans for any earthly man.

Me (query): For the heavenly God? 

John: Correct. Brenton just "kneel down", and, pray to the heavenly God , and then, Brenton go to kill the pagans immediately. Of course, Brenton is a "single" wolf. Of course, it is an attack of a "single" wolf.

Me: You mean, Brenton hadn't held any meeting with any other "earthly" men first.

John: Brenton hadn't. Let me tell you story. It happen in the year of 2013.



Kelvin: Tomorrow, you and Doctor Chan, Doctor Li, Doctor Cheung , Doctor Wong, Doctor Ho, Miss Lam, Miss Mao, Miss Niao, Miss Or come to the meeting room.


Noete: Miss Lam, Miss Mao, Miss Niao, Miss Or are the nurses of the public hospital of Hong Kong.


Mr. Yeung (a doctor from the public hospital of Hong Kong): What is it for ?

Kelvin: You guys discuss how to kill John's father.

Mr. Yeung: Brenton hadn't held any meeting with any other culprits. Brenton "kneel down", prayed to the heavenly God, and then, Brenton immediately went to kill 50 pagans in the manner of a "single" Wolf. I must be a single Wolf. I must kneel down, and, pray to the God. I kill John's father immediately. It must be an attack of a "single" wolf.

Kelvin: Come to the meeting first.

Mr. Yeung: No, it is too clumpsy.

Kelvin: It isn't clumpsy.

Mr. Yeung: Why not?

Kelvin: Here isn't any God in the heaven. How can you kneel down and pray to the God?

Mr. Yeung: Here isn't any God in the heaven?

Kelvin: No, here isn't any God in the heaven.

Mr. Yeung: Then, I kill John's father for whom?

Kelvin: You kill John's father for me.

Mr. Yeung: Hey! You're just an earthly man. I can't kill John's father for you. I can only kill John's father for the heavenly God.

Kelvin: Do you wanna learn the hacker's techiques?

Mr. Yeung: What kind of techniques?

Kelvin: For example, the techniques of hacking the telecom, satellite.

Mr. Yeung: Yes, I do want it.

Kelvin: Good. I promise you that after you kill John's father, I will teach you those techniques.

Mr. Yeung: Are you serious?

Kelvin: I'm serious.


One day, Ivan is so angry. He pat on the desk top and say,


Ivan: Have a look . Why do we say that the explosion is done by "Al Qaeda" ?

Bradley (the bishop of the Church of Yandelists): Because, Al Qaeda is a religious group.

Ivan: Marvellous. That mean, the killing is the God's willing rather than Kelvin's willing. Kelvin is just an earthly man.

Bradley: Yes, the killing is the God's willing rather than Kelvin's willing.

Ivan: How can Kelvin advise the doctors and nurses of the public hospital of Hong Kong to kill John's father?

Bradley: Kelvin can't do that.

Ivan: Before Mr. Yeung kill John's father, Mr. Yeung hasn't kneel down and prayed to the heavenly God. Instead, Mr. Yeung hold a close-door meeting with a group of earthly men.

Bradley: Which earthly menn?

Ivan: Doctor Chan, Doctor Li, Doctor Cheung, Doctor Wong, Doctor Ho, Miss Lam, Miss Mao, Miss Niao, Miss Or. They are all earthly man. Why?

Bradley: Mr. Yeung say here isn't any God in the heaven. Of course, Mr. Yeung never kneel down and pray to the heavenly God. Of course, Mr. Yeung hold a meeting with the earthly men.


Ivan: However, is here a God in the heaven?

Bradley: Yes, . Here is a God in the heaven. Mr. Yeung should be "single" wolf as if Brenton.  It should be an attack of a single wolf as if the shooting in New Zealand.

Ivan: How do we handle them?

Bradley: Murder them.