education (44) Why do I complain ??



John: The lesser I complain, the more dangerous I'm . .However, where do I complain ?? 


In China, 

100% of the department of health of China corrupt. [ There 're 2000 employee in the hospital of GuangZhou. . Almost 1999 employees participate in spying.]

80% of the force of police of China corrupt .[  There are 2000 policemen in the police station of GuangZhou. . Almost 1600 policemen participate in spying.]

50% of the civil department of Hong Kong corrupt <---- The housing department of Hong Kong, the department of leisure and cultural services of Hong Kong, the Land department of Hong Kong corrupt. 

40% of the political bureau of China corrupt . [Xi Jin Ping, Wen Jia Bao, Jiang Ze Min, Zhu Rong Ji, Hu Jin Tao, Li Ke Qiang (just pass away), ]

40% of the financial department of China corrupt. [Baidu, JingDong, Foxconn, Alibaba, Hua Wei, Tencent ,Baidu, HuaWei, Jing Dong, etc .]

40% of the judiciary department of Hong Kong corrupt . 

40% of the army of China corrupt . . . <--- It is strange.


Me: 2023, a submarine of China was hacked, 60 soldiers die. . Why the Chinese army still corrupt ??

John: They hope the America's hackers teach them the hacker's techniques.


Me: As if you enter the casino, you bet. . Of course, you wanna minimize the probability of losing.

John: Yes, it is rational.

Me: Comparatively, the department of Industry, communication, transportation are less bribed by the America's hackers.

John: Of course, I don't exlude the possibility that they corrupt. . However, Those departments are relatively honest.

Me: You just place a bet. . Of course, you minimize the probability of losing.