sequential (17) - the function of modulator (2) 




This article ( ) mention about how cache and register interact with each others.

This article ( mention about crystal oscillator.

This article ( mention about tri state buffer.


John: What's the usage of a tri state buffer?

Me: It prevent a register from outputing while a register is inputing.

John: Actually, the tri state buffer is useless.

Me: Why?

John: Look at the 1st picture. I inteprete it in code.


If (oscillator = Up cycle)


current flow from "parallel output line" to register = true.

current flow from "register" to paralleo output line = false.



Me: When the oscillator is up cycle, the register is low and the parallel output line is high.

John: We don't need a tri state buffer to prevent the register from outputing itself while the oscillator is up cycle.

Me: Correct.

John: Look at the 2nd picture. I inteprete it in code.


If (the oscillator = down cyle)


the parallel output line for the cache = low.

the cache = high.

The current flow from the cache to the parallel ouput line.
