
Showing posts from August, 2022

education (3) explosion - Oklahoma (explosion)

Image . Ref: . . . In the army, even if I'm willing to murder people, I am not allowed, becuase, I'm not authorized. . In the church, as long as I'm willing to murder people, I am allowed. . Becuase, it's God's willing . . Have a look. . An explosion in Oklahoma, USA. 168 people died. . One day, Timothoy accidentally wander into the church of Yandelism. . At the end of the hall, he saw a statue. . He is so fascinated. . He look at it and mumble, "Oh! the church of Yandelism is gorgeous". Suddenly, a man with long white gown pat his shoulder friendily. <---- This person is Bradley. . . Timothy is so nervous. . Bradley console Timothy, . Bradley: Man . . Feel home. . Timothy: I am very sorry. I'm unauthorized to enter the church. . Bradley: No, you're warmly welcome. . . . Ti

education (32) Interrupt (a ship wreck in Hong Kong)

Image . Ref: . . John: . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do ? Me: They should eucharistize too.. . Black screen mean that the function of drawing is at the stage of Mask-interrupt. . Daniel (an America's hacker): Look at this hacker's package. . . It's wonderful. . I just click a button. . The function of drawing() of John's Iphone doesn't process. . <---- Daniel should murder the pagans. Kelvin (another America's hacker): Better not .  <---- Kelvin should murder the pagans too. Daniel: I just ridicule John . . Do I murder John??? No, I don't. Kelvin: If Bradley murder the pagans, we must murder the pagans too. Daniel: Bradley is just the terrorists. We're t

education (19) (America aircrash) . Ref: . Have a look. . If the bishops Eucharistize, the followers should Eucharistize too. . . . . Daniel: I hack the telecom.  . I find that John give a phone call to Mrs.M. . John order some non-tax cigarettes from Mrs.M .  . Mr.Yeung : And then? . Daniel :And then, I hack the telecom and I bind the telephone number of Mrs.M to my SIM Card. . I use a software to change my accent into the accent of Mrs.M. .  . Mr.Yeung :So ? . Daniel : So, You represent me to deliver the cigarettes to John. <--- Daniel should murder people.  . Mr.Yeung: We infringe people's privacy. <--- Mr.Yeung should murder people.  . Daniel: Do we murder anybody?? No, we don't murder anybody. . Privacy-infringement is a trivial crime.  .  Bradley: Have a look .

education (1) . Have a look . . If the bishops eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too. . . Daniel (an America): According to my hacker's map, John is sitting on a bench of the park. <------ Daniel should murder the pagans. Mr. Wong (a police of Hong Kong): Is he alone?? <--- Mr. Wong should murder the pagans too. Daniel: I remotely open the build-in microphone of John's Iphone. . I heard that he is talking with a person , the name of whom is something like, Mr. N. . So, you go to the spot and say to Mr. N, "I'm checking your identity". Mr. Wong: Wait a minute. Bradley and Charles murder the pagans. We should murder the pagans too. Daniel: Bradley and Charles are terrorists. Of course, they murder the pagans. Mr. Wong: Then, what're we? Daniel: We're spies. We never murder the pagans. . . Bradle

education (8) (America's night club fire) . Ref: . Have a look . . . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too. . You read this article first. . The matter isn't over yet. . 1 month after. . Mr.Yeung (a judge of the court of Hong Kong): How do you have the information of YinJai ?? <--- Mr.Yeung should murder people. Daniel: I hack the Sim card of John's elder brother. . I find the telephone number of YinJai. . I know that he is the colleagues of John's elder brother. <--- Daniel should murder people. . Mr.Yeung: It is illegal for Mr.Wong to arrest YinJai. . Mr.Wong just pretend to enforce the law. . It is ridiculous. . Daniel: Do you wanna learn how to hack the telecom?? <--- It's a church of cult. .It isn't a un

education (4) - Train crash Taiwan . Ref: . . Have a look . . If the bishops eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too. . Kelvin (an America's hackers): I can hack the database of traffic penalty record of Hong Kong . <---- Kelvin should murder people  Daniel: Can you ?? <---- Daniel should murder people  Kelvin click a button and say, Kelvin: Yes, ...Look ! 10 years ago, John ride bicycle . .John was penalized by the traffic police of Hong Kong. . I click a button, and then, the record is shown. Daniel: You show off to me. Kelvin: Why not?? . . Bradley (an America's hacker): Have a look.  . It is a church. . Our religion is cult. . We're bishops. . We murder 50 people. . What should Kelvin and Daniel do?? Cha

education (25) (Nigeria pipeline explosion) . Ref: . . Have a look . . . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do?? They should eucharistize too. . John: Mr.Chan is my friend. . One day, Mr.Chan call me. . You guess what happen?? Me: What?? . Kelvin (an America's hacker): I eavesdrop on John. . A person called Mr.Chan talk with John on the phone. . So, I record the conversation. <---- Kelvin should murder people. Daniel (another America's hackers): What's the usage of this audio's record?? <---- Daniel should murder people too. . Kelvin put his notebook on the desk, and then, point to a software , and say,  . Kelvin: This software can change my accent into the person's accent in this audio's record. . . . Note: the person refer to Mr.Chan. .  Daniel: Can it?? Kelvin: Yes, . . Thus,

education (24) (China fire) . Ref: . . John: Look at it. . . If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: Eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . if (John send email) { send to receiver email address (); send to Daniel email address (); <---- Daniel add an extra code here. } else { send to receiver email address (); } . Daniel: I hack John's Gmail. I find that John send an email of application of employment to your company? . . Do you wanna ridicule John?? <---- Daniel should murder pagans. Mr.Chong (the staff of this company): Yes, <---Mr.Chong should murder the pagans too. Daniel:   You ask John to come over to interview. . You ask John to sit on the bench outside the interview room.  . And then,  . . Mr. Chong: And then, what? Daniel: You ask another staff of your company to pass by this

education (14) Malaysia aircrash . Ref: . Have a look .. . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . Daniel: John is using JJ wifi to get on line. Mr.Yem (a spy of Hong Kong): How do you know ? Daniel: Now, John use JJ wifi to connect to the Google server to update his blogs. . I hack Google server. . I know it. . Do you know where JJ wifi is located?? Mr.Yem: Yes,. . I know where JJ wifi is located. <---- Mr.Yem should murder the pagans. Daniel: Good. . Now, you go its location of JJ wifi. . And then, have a look. You will see that John is getting online there.  <---- Daniel should murder the pagans too. . Bradley: Have a look. . It's a church of cult. . We're the bishops. . We murder 250 people. . What should Daniel

education (49) - (Saudi Arabia aircrash) pretend to be a victims (the explosion of Oklahoma)

Image . Ref: . . John: I explain the above picture. It's pretty simple. Me: Go ahead. . 1) The more blood-shed, the lesser the culprit pretend to be the victims.  2) The more blood-shed, the lesser the culprit transfer "his" crime to the third party. . Me: You mean, after the incident of 911, Bradley didn't intend to transfer his crime to Al Qaeda. John: No, Bradley didn't intend to. Because, it is too bloody. . During the year of 2015, Kelvin, Trump and Hillary, the wife of Clinton, held a metting. . Kelvin (an America's hackers): I hack the company of the telecommunication. I eavesdrop on John's phone-call.  Do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques? <--- Note: Kelvin should murder the pagans. Trump (drool): Thirstily. <---- Note: Trump should murder the pagans. Kelvin: Excellent, you pretend to be the victim . You say "

education (22) (China aircrash) . Ref: . . Have a look, . . If the bishops eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . Daniel: Do you see that there's a function called  Account suspension in Gmail ?  Now, I click a button on my hacker's package. . John's account in Gmail will be suspended. Kelvin:  Better not  <----- Kelvin should murder people too . Daniel:  I just ridicule John. . Do I murder John ? No,  I don't.  <------ Daniel should murder people . Kelvin: That mean, murdering is a serious crime, and, ridiculing is a trivial crime. Daniel (self esteem): Of course. . . Bradley: Have a look . . . It's a church of cult. . We're the bishops. . Now , we murder 140 people. .What should Kelvin and Daniel do?? Charles: They s

education (46) - (Korea fire) pretend to be the victims (the explosion of Oklahoma)

Image . Ref: . . John: Let me explain the above picture. Me: Go ahead. . 1) If there's large blood-shed, the culprit is reluctant to pretend to be the victims and the culprit is reluctant to shift his crime to a third party.  . 2) If there is no blood-shed, the culprit rush to pretend to be the victims and the culprit rush to shift his crime to a third party. . Me: Then, 3000 people died in the incident of 911.  Bradley didn't rush to shift his crime to a third party. . John: No,  Bradley didn't rush to do it.  . Me: OK. . John: It is a true story. It happen in the year of 2013. . while (the server of goolge is running) { if (email which is sent out = from John's account) { send to the receiver. extra code, send to the account of Kelvin. <---- Kelvin hack the server of Google, and then, add a code there. } } . One day of the year of 2013, Kelvin step on th