education (13) 5 loaf and 2 fish



Me: Have a look. ( ). As a pious disciple, we won't use the weapons of the church again and again. We disciplinarily regard that those weapons are the wealth of our heavenly God. The weapons of the church is shared with by "all" disciples rather than "one" disciples. We whole-heartedly dedicate our wealth to the church . We don't rush to occupy the wealth of the church. Only the consumers who is lack of the capability of producing the food would rush to occupy the food of the earth. Indeed, a Holy creator is reluctant to occupy any earthly food. Because, in the eyes of a holy creator, those earthly wealth is dirty and adulterated.

Michael: Correct.

Me: Louise is in charge of the warehouse of the church of the Yandelists. This warehouse is full of poison called COVID or SARS.

Michael: OK.

Me: Louise share the poison with Kelvin "alone". And then, Kelvin advise the doctors of the public hospital of Hong Kong to use those poison to kill John's father.

Michael: I'm gonna condemn him.



Michael (condemn): The poison isn't the wealth of any earthly humans. You know that. The poison is the wealth of our heavenly God. You can't use it again and again.

Louise: If I use it again and again, it doesn't mean that I view those poison as my own wealth.

Michael: If you don't view those poison as your own wealth, why do you share the poison with Kelvin alone? If it is the wealth of the heavenly God, you should share the poison with every disciples of the church of the Yandelists. Am I right?

Louise: Kelvin is my best friend. You know that. I share the poison with my best friend alone. It is reasonable. It doesn't mean that I view those poison as my own wealth.

Michael: However, don't you know that Kelvin advise the doctors of the public hospital of Hong Kong to kill John's father? 

Louise: Yes, I do know that.

Michael: Kelvin is an earthly person. The killing is the God's willing rather than any earthly human's willing. You know that. Don't you ? Kelvin isn't allowed to advise the doctors of the public hospital of Hong Kong to kill John's father. As a pious disciple, the doctors of the public hospital of Hong Kong should genocide as many pagans as possible without any advice from Kelvin.

Louise: Kelvin is my best friend. Whatever he did is out of my control.

Michael: Out of your control ? Are you kidding? It is a church of the Yandelists. We don't call each others as the best friends. We call each others as the brothers and sisters. The killing is only the God's willing. You should know that. The killing isn't any human's willing. Kelvin is just a earthly humans beings..

Louise: I do know that.

Michael: What Kelvin is doing is apostasy. It is your apostasy too.

Louise: I admit apostasy. However, I don't admit that I view the poison as my own wealth.

Michael: Yes, you do regard the poison as your own wealth. You're un-holy and non-sacred. You're secular and vulgar.


Me: You did condemn Louise.

Michael: Yes, I did.

Me:Look at this article ( ). 120 people died in the explosion. Why is the mortality so high?

Michael: It is same as 911.  

Me: How?

Michael: The disciple can use the weapon for one times only. They should make the most use of this occassion. They should genocide as many pagans as possible. The explosion occur at the day time during a "bustling" procession. At that time, the street is crowed.  

Me: You just imagine if the explosion occur at the mid night at an empty street, nobody died. Because, the street is silent at the mid night.

Michael: It is obvious that the culprit try his best to genocide as many pagans as possible.

Me: That's true. .


Charles: Why did the airplane crash into the world trade center?

Bradley: Because, the weapon is the wealth of our heavenly God. They're not our personal wealth. We can't use them again and again. We can use it for one times only. We must make the most of the use of this occassion. We should genocide as many pagans as possible.


Charles stand up and say,


Charles: Excellent. Have a look . What's the name of this disciple?

Bradley: Muller.

Charles: Muller can use the bombs for one times only. However, has Muller make the most of the use of this occassion?

Bradley: No, he hasn't.

Charles: Why not?

Bradley: At that time, only few people were in the buildings. Muller know that. However,  Muller intentionally detonate the bombs. Consequently, only 2 persons die.


Charles: How do we handle Muller?

Bradley: Kill him.


Charles: Oh! By the way, you are gonna kill Louise, Kelvin, and those doctors of the public hospital of Hong Kong.

Bradley: Why?

Charles: Because, they view the poison as their own wealth. They are secular, vulgar, un-holy and non-sacred.