Sequential (111) Phase


Ref: .




Me: The following 5 articles are about "Motor". You may take a look at them first.


1) <--- Magnetic field weakening or magnetic flux control.

2) <---- A 3 Phase motor.

3) <---- Circuit Resistance Up, Magnetic Flux Down.

4) <----- A Motor brake.

5) <---- Forward and Backward.



Me: The topic of today is that the phase adjust the resistance.

John: OK.

Me: Now, we study the picture above. There're 2 circuit. They're circuit A and B. We study circuit A first. In circuit A, the source and the loading is at the same phase. And, the signal is high frequency. Because, there's an inductor. Eventually, the signal can't reach the loading. The signal enter the ground.

John: OK.

Me: However, the circuit B isn't the same. In circuit B, the frequency is high. And, there's is an inductor either.  However, the signal enter the loading instead of the ground. Why?

John: Because, in circuit B, the source and the loading is at different phase. When they're at different phase, the resistance is high.

Me: The higher the resistance, the lesser the current which flow through the inductor. As a result, the unit magnetic flux become lesser. The lesser unit magetic flux, the lesser magnetic hysteresis and lesser coercivity.

John: If hysteresis and coertivity is low, the current lead the voltage and the signal enter the loading instead of the ground.


if (phase of source and loading = same)


resistance = low.

current pass through the inductor = large.

coercivity = high.

Signal enter = ground.


else if (the phase of source and loading = different)


resistance = high.

current pass through the inductor = little.

coercivity = low.

signal enter = loading.


Me: This article is about phase . . You may take a look.