Sequential (108) one of the branch is at Low-Cycle
Ref: .
John: See. < > . 50 people died in the fire in Bangladesh.
Me: OK.
John: See the first picture. During the year of 2022, Kelvin hack me and then organize a private tutorial to Daniel.
Kelvin (an America's hacker): During this tutorial, I'm gonna detailedly teach you how to hack the power plant. See. During an "Up" cycle of alternate current, John's television is on. But, John's fan isn't on. Why?
Daniel: I've no clue.
Kelvin: I let the 3rd branch of the up cycle of the alternate current of the electricity of John's house be down cycle.
Daniel: Don't hack him.
Kelvin: I hack him. And then, I organize a private tutorial for you. Shouldn't you praise me?
John (angry): Why do you hack me?
Kelvin: I teach Daniel the hacker's techniques.
John: If you wanna be a teacher, you teach the whole "Monde". Don't just teach Daniel alone.
During an Up cycle.
Mary's house,
1st branch = up,
2nd brach = up,
3rd branch = up,
David's house,
1st branch = up,
2nd brach = up,
3rd branch = up,
John's house,
1st branch = up,
2nd brach = up,
3rd branch = down, <- The fans is off.
John: See the 2nd picture.
During an Up cycle.
The clock line of,
R0(0) = up,
R0(1) = down, <--- Therefore, R0(1) can't be input. R0(1) left shift rather than right shift.
R0(2) = up,
R0(3) = up,