sequential (50) - Gap checking





Gap Checking is applied on Integrated circuit. It is applied on telecommunication as well. In this articles, we use telecommunication as an example.



Me: I explain the above picture. It is the operation of telecommunication. More specificially, the operation of wireless telecommunication.

John: OK.

Me: Sim card 1 and Sim card 2 are 2 physical address. No matter how close they are to each others, there is a gap.

John: If there is no gap between sim card 1 and sim card 2, what will happen?

Me: If there is no gap between them, we can't distinguish between physical address 1 and physical address 2.

John: OK. How do they function?

Me: For example, Sim card 1 and Sim card 2 "both" output their datas on the output lines.

John: OK.

Me: Before those datas enter the cache, those datas must enter the gap-checking point. 


John: What is the function of Gap-Checking point?


Me: The gap-checking point check whether there's a gap between Sim card 1 and Sim card 2. . 


If the gap-checking is good, those datas will enter the cache for "Cache checking".

If the gap-checking is bad, those datas won't enter the cache for cache checking.


Me: Finally, if there is such physical address in the cache, it's good. If there isn't such physical address in the cache, it's bad. 

John: OK.


Me: After cache checking, those datas will enter the modulator.

John: What's the function of a modulator?

Me: Delivering the datas.

John: In another words, the modulator perform inputing the datas to the SIM Card.

Me: Correct.