sequential (22) no realistic serial circuit (the register of If-Else) Ref: . . . . . . . John: Before we start, you may have a look at this article ( ). Me: OK. John: Have a look at the 1st picture. There's a clock line from the RJ45. This clock line cover the register of Port A, the register of counter and the register of If-Else. Me: OK. === John: Look at the 2nd picture. It is what inside the register of If-Else. The process is that A output to the Xor gate and B output to the Xor gate too. If A is equal to B, the output of Xor gate is Zero. If the output of Xor gate is zero, the input of C is zero too. In code, it is . int compare = 32 bits. if (port A = compare ) // The Xor gate output is 0 and then the input of C is 0 too. { MOV receiver_register, the value of port A. } . Me: However, it is just a realistic expectation....