
Showing posts from December, 2022

sequential (22) no realistic serial circuit (the register of If-Else)

Image Ref: . . . . . . . John: Before we start, you may have a look at this article ( ).  Me: OK. John: Have a look at the 1st picture. There's a clock line from the RJ45. This clock line cover the register of Port A, the register of counter and the register of If-Else. Me: OK. === John: Look at the 2nd picture. It is what inside the register of If-Else. The process is that A output to the Xor gate and B output to the Xor gate too. If A is equal to B, the output of Xor gate is Zero. If the output of Xor gate is zero, the input of C is zero too. In code, it is . int compare = 32 bits. if (port A = compare ) // The Xor gate output is 0 and then the input of C is 0 too. { MOV receiver_register, the value of port A. } . Me: However, it is just a realistic expectation....

sequential (49) Gap checking

Image . Ref:  . . . Gap checking is used in both telecommunication and integrated circuit. . John: See this articles.  . It mention the gap-checking point check the gap between 2  SIM cards.  . Me: In another words, the gap-checking point check the gaps between 2 physical address. . John: You're correct. . Me: Indeed, gap-checking is needed in integrated circuit. Let me explain the above picture. John: Go ahead. Me: No matter how register 1 and register 2 are close to each others, there must be gap. John: If there's no gap between them, we can't distinguish between register 1 and register 2. Me: Excellent. . John: Now, Register 1 and 2 both output their datas on to the output line. Those datas don't directly enter the cache.  . Me (shaking head): No, they don...

sequential (50) - Gap checking

Image . Ref: . . . Gap Checking is applied on Integrated circuit. It is applied on telecommunication as well. In this articles, we use telecommunication as an example. . . Me: I explain the above picture.  It is the operation of telecommunication.  More specificially, the operation of wireless telecommunication. John: OK. Me: Sim card 1 and Sim card 2 are 2 physical address. No matter how close they are to each others, there is a gap. John: If there is no gap between sim card 1 and sim card 2, what will happen? Me: If there is no gap between them, we can't distinguish between physical address 1 and physical address 2. John: OK. How do they function? Me: For example, Sim card 1 and Sim card 2 "both" output their datas on the output lines. John: OK. Me: Before those datas enter the cache, those datas must enter the gap-checking point.  . John: What is the ...