education (25) (Nigeria pipeline explosion)
Have a look . . . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do?? They should eucharistize too.

John: Mr.Chan is my friend. . One day, Mr.Chan call me. . You guess what happen??
Me: What??
Kelvin (an America's hacker): I eavesdrop on John. . A person called Mr.Chan talk with John on the phone. . So, I record the conversation. <---- Kelvin should murder people.
Daniel (another America's hackers): What's the usage of this audio's record?? <---- Daniel should murder people too.
Kelvin put his notebook on the desk, and then, point to a software , and say, 
Kelvin: This software can change my accent into the person's accent in this audio's record. . . . Note: the person refer to Mr.Chan. . 
Daniel: Can it??
Kelvin: Yes, . . Thus,tomorrow, I use this software to change my accent. . And then, I impersonate Mr.Chan to give a phone call to John.


Bradley: Have a look . . .  It is a church. Our religion is cult.    We are thebishops.  We murder 1000 people .  What should Kelvin and Mr.Lau do ?.

Charles: They should murder people too.    However they don't.