education (18) (Thailand fire accident)





John: Have a look .. If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do?

Me: Eucharistize.

John: Excellent.


Kelvin: I can hack the News of Yahoo.

Daniel: Can you?? 

Kelvin: Why not?? I demonstrate it to you. Now, I add a news on Yahoo, saying, "A Chinese man named John is bump by a truck while riding bicycle".

Daniel: You humiliate John.

Kelvin: I love to humiliate him. . So what??


Albert (an America's hackers): Have a look . . .It's a church. . Our religion is cult. .We're the bishops. Now, we murder 110 pagans. . What should the Kelvin and Daniel do??
Charles: They should murder the pagans too.. However, they don't.
Albert: How do we handle them?
Charles: Murder them.